Author: Mariah Z Leach

Mariah is a writer, patient advocate, and mom of three living with rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. After learning firsthand how challenging and lonely it can be to face pregnancy and motherhood with chronic illness, Mariah became passionate about supporting women with chronic illness who are or want to become mothers. She launched Mamas Facing Forward in 2015 as a private Facebook support group, followed by this website in 2018.

Parenting is tough – but rewarding – to start with. Throw in a chronic condition like RA, and that delicate balance between your self-care and your role as a parent can easily get thrown off. These tips and strategies can help you handle difficult days, manage your energy, and make meaningful memories with your family.WebMD I was recently interviewed for the WebMD article linked below, which gives tips for parenting while living with rheumatoid arthritis. Though the article focuses on RA, many of the tips mentioned would be applicable for other chronic illnesses as well! I’ve always believed that parents…

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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can make its way into every aspect of your life, including your sex life…You can still have a healthy sex life if you have RA…But you might have to find different ways that work best for you and your partner.WebMD I was recently interviewed for the WebMD article linked below, which gives tips for improving intimacy while living with rheumatoid arthritis. I speak from personal experience when I say this is a topic where it used to be impossible to find positive, uplifting advice. That’s the reason I started speaking out on this very personal subject in…

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Those of us living with chronic illnesses have usually learned, often the hard way, how to advocate for ourselves with our doctors, nurses, pharmacies, insurance companies, copay assistance programs…the list goes on and on! This week, for #MotivationMonday, I want to share a story to encourage you to advocate for your family – and for yourself – in all parts of your life, not just when it comes to your healthcare. The pandemic begins – for us that meant distance learning. Having a mom with a compromised immune system has made this year HARD for my kids. I’m sure many…

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This article is based on a presentation I gave at the virtual American College of Rheumatology Annual meeting on November 8, 2020. See Part 1 of this presentation: Survey Shows Moms with Chronic Illness Need More Support From Their Doctors. In a previous article I shared some of the critical gaps in reproductive health education for women with chronic illness. Here I want to take a look at the role played by online communities – specifically the Mamas Facing Forward Facebook group. After 5 years of moderating this group, I wanted to understand what sort of role Mamas Facing Forward…

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Perhaps one of the most challenging aspects of motherhood with chronic illness is helping your children understand what is going on with your body and encouraging acceptance about how your illness may impact them. How can you help them develop empathy about what you’re experiencing, especially if your illness is invisible? Where’s the line between being honest and making them worry? What’s the best way to address their concerns in kid-friendly language? This is a topic that will likely need to be an ongoing discussion in your family – and sometimes reading a book together can help! How Many Marbles…

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This article is based on a presentation I gave at the virtual American College of Rheumatology Annual meeting on November 8, 2020. I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) at the age of 25, and by far the biggest challenge I have faced since my diagnosis has been in becoming a mom. Today I have three children, and in terms of my RA I’ve had a range of pregnancy and breastfeeding experiences. My first pregnancy was completely unmedicated, the postpartum flare made infant care extremely difficult, and I was advised to stop breastfeeding to restart medication. By contrast, with my…

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Mamas Facing Forward Stay Home Summer Camp was a project I developed during the isolated summer of 2020. For each theme I provide a menu of options to choose from, including: virtual learning resources, easy craft & snack ideas, simple activities, books, and movies/TV. Trust me, whether you do it for a full week or just for a day, there’s something magical about doing a bunch of activities that all share the same theme. In fact, even though my kids will be traveling and attending regular summer camp this year, they’ve also requested some Stay Home Camp – so stay…

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Mamas Facing Forward Stay Home Summer Camp was a project I developed during the isolated summer of 2020. For each theme I provide a menu of options to choose from, including: virtual learning resources, easy craft & snack ideas, simple activities, books, and movies/TV. Trust me, whether you do it for a full week or just for a day, there’s something magical about doing a bunch of activities that all share the same theme. In fact, even though my kids will be traveling and attending regular summer camp this year, they’ve also requested some Stay Home Camp – so stay…

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Mamas Facing Forward Stay Home Summer Camp was a project I developed during the isolated summer of 2020. For each theme I provide a menu of options to choose from, including: virtual learning resources, easy craft & snack ideas, simple activities, books, and movies/TV. Trust me, whether you do it for a full week or just for a day, there’s something magical about doing a bunch of activities that all share the same theme. In fact, even though my kids will be traveling and attending regular summer camp this year, they’ve also requested some Stay Home Camp – so stay…

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In some strange ways, I think RA helped prepare me for motherhood. Being diagnosed with RA taught me the importance of realistically allocating my time and energy – giving myself credit for what I can accomplish and letting go of guilt for unfinished tasks.Mariah Leach interviewed Mamas Facing Forward founder Mariah Leach about living with rheumatoid arthritis for over a decade and her experiences with motherhood. My Life With RA: Mariah Zebrowski Leach

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