Author: AbigailWalker

Before getting married to an Air Force pilot, Abigail was a junior high English teacher. After marrying Mark, they were stationed in England for nearly five years. While overseas, they adopted their daughter from the States in the middle of COVID. Abigail was diagnosed with her first chronic illness at the age of 21-years-old, and her list of diagnoses continues to grow/change. She is extremely passionate about adoption and loves airing how much adoption has blessed her family.

I never dreamed it would be so hard to become a mom. Before my husband and I even started trying to get pregnant, we had extensive discussions with my doctor and specialists. One of my specialists even referred me to a pregnancy advisory specialist for a pre-pregnancy risk assessment. I stopped taking medications that could pose a risk to a baby in utero. I worked out regularly. Yet, a few months after we started trying to get pregnant, all of the build-up and excitement of becoming parents began to be overshadowed by my consistently increasing levels of pain and fatigue.…

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