Mama Knows Best: Tips for Avoiding Back to School Stress!


Breaking out of summer habits and getting back into the routine of school can be stressful for any family – but this period of time can be especially difficult for parents who are dealing with their own health challenges. We asked real mamas living with chronic illnesses to share their best tips and hacks for staying organized and managing back to school stress, while also taking care of their own health.

The importance of routine!

“Routine, routine, routine. When we got off the routine we were all stressed and couldn’t find anything.” – Heather, mama to a 1st grader

“We start our school routine 2 weeks before school actually starts so we can work out any kinks. Lay out clothes the night before, bed on time, wake up and get ready like we’re going to school, walk to school and then play at the playground for a bit.” – Christina, mama to a kindergartner & 1st grader 

Managing Meals

“I pack lunches during the day instead of at night the day before. I also pack water bottles and put them in the fridge as well.” – Lisa, mama to a kindergartner & preschooler

“Enlist everyone at home to help with lunches (parents and kids.)” – Tera, mama to a 10th grader & 7th grader

“I look ahead at what we have going on for the week and plan quick meals for busy nights.” – Jennifer, mama to a 4th grader, kindergartner, & toddler

“I always meal plan in advance because quite frankly I can’t get home from a full-time job, pick up kids, and still have the brain power to figure out dinner. I also used a grocery store pick-up for the first time this week and it was AH-MAZING!! It was so simple and saved me the chaos and stress of the store.” – Jennifer, mama to a 4th grader, kindergartner, & toddler

“I meal plan and order groceries for the entire week at once. I plan for two meals of leftovers. My kids’ packed lunches are even included on my weekly schedule. Since I stay at home, I prep as much of dinner during the day so I’m not trying to cook during the craziness of the after school activity hours.” – Lauren, mama to a 2nd grader & preschooler

In and Out The Door

“I leave shoes in the car and they put them on after they buckle up. We also keep hair bows and a comb and detangler in the pocket behind the driver seat for my 2-year-old, who will rip bows out in the car so we don’t even attempt doing hair until we get out of the car at the school.” – Lisa, mama to a kindergartner & preschooler

“I unpack backpacks and lunches immediately upon walking in the door. We have a designated drop spot for all their stuff right by the entry so I’m not searching for items around the house.” – Lauren, mama to a 2nd grader & preschooler

Staying on Top of Paperwork, Homework, and Messages from Teachers

“I keep all notifications on from google classroom, classroom dojo, etc. I’ve struggled with keeping a routine but I’m going to try harder to do so this school year because last year I missed everything. Missed emails by teachers, projects, keeping up with awards assemblies, etc. So my goal is…SET REMINDERS and take advantage of the perks of my iPhone and try to remember what my goal is.” – Kayla, mama to 10th grader, 8th grader, 4th grader, preschooler, & toddler

“Get all of your school logins and paperwork ready and done ahead of time if possible. If your kids’ online school portals have apps, set up notifications and use them – saves us on homework deadlines!” – Tera, mama to a 10th grader & 7th grader

Managing Extracurricular Activities

“I’m going to attempt to set reminders on my phone. I have 5 kids from 15 years to 14 months. All of my kids are very involved with marching band, robotics, baseball, and taekwondo.” – Kayla, mama to 10th grader, 8th grader, 4th grader, preschooler, & toddler

“I use a calendar app called Cozi to schedule everything and it gets printed monthly on the fridge. If it’s not on the calendar, it doesn’t happen.” – Tera, mama to a 10th grader & 7th grader

Other Hacks for Chronic Illness Mamas

“In the mornings, I set my alarm for 30 minutes before my kids wake up. I take my pain medication and use my heating pad so I’m ready to hit the ground running when the kids get up.” – Lauren, mama to a 2nd grader & preschooler

“We’ve given the kids some new responsibilities and they’re in a chart written right on the refrigerator with dry erase markers. Smiley faces for successfully completing their responsibilities. Three good weeks equals a friend over or a book at the store.” – Jennifer, mama to a 4th grader, kindergartner, & toddler

“I prep my weekly pill box and I try to start laundry every morning and switch laundry after school drop off. I fold during nap time.”” – Lisa, mama to a kindergartner & toddler

“I fill my pill boxes two weeks at a time, less hassle. It also helps me keep ahead of the refills.” – Bridget, mama to a 6th grader & 3rd grader

“I start laundry every morning before I leave for work with the delay button so it finishes right before I get home. Then I fold when the kids are in bed. I hate giving up an entire day on the weekend for laundry so this breaks it into more doable chunks.” – Jennifer, mama to a 4th grader, kindergartner, & toddler

“I received a robot vacuum as a Christmas gift last year and it has also helped make life a ton easier. It’s scheduled to vacuum three days a week and all we (now my five-year-old) have to do is empty it in the evenings and make sure we’ve picked up before we leave in the mornings” – Jennifer, mama to a 4th grader, kindergartner, & toddler

“There is a lot of school planning you can do from a resting position if necessary!” – Tera, mama to a 10th grader & 7th grader

Our private Facebook group is a treasure trove of advice and encouragement, where real moms living with chronic illnesses brainstorm together and share their hard-earned advice and knowledge. But often the same questions come up in the group over and over again, and a lot of great advice gets buried in our archives! Our “Mama Knows Best” series seeks to organize some of that advice, making it easier for future mamas to find!


About Author

Mariah is a writer, patient advocate, and mom of three living with rheumatoid arthritis and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. After learning firsthand how challenging and lonely it can be to face pregnancy and motherhood with chronic illness, Mariah became passionate about supporting women with chronic illness who are or want to become mothers. She launched Mamas Facing Forward in 2015 as a private Facebook support group, followed by this website in 2018.

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