This review is based on my personal experience – this product was given to me by a friend when my second son was born. I was not compensated and all opinions in this review are my own.
When my second son was born, my oldest had just turned two – and a friend of mine sent me the tag*a*long. The tag*a*long is a colorful plastic handle that you can attach to a stroller, so that a kiddo who is old enough to walk can “tag along” by hanging on to the handle. Mine was neon yellow.

I have to admit that when I first saw it my original thought was “what an unnecessary product.” Why, I thought, couldn’t my toddler just hang on to the stroller itself? Or the diaper bag? Or my hand? Or maybe even just walk nearby? I was a rookie mom for sure!
I soon came to realize that the tag*a*long was far more than a simple piece of plastic. Instead, it held a strange kind of magic for my son. I attached it to our stroller and told him it was a special handle, just for him, and he was immediately delighted to hang on to it! And I was surprised how easy it made it for us to safely walk anywhere, knowing that he would happily stay close to me.

This magic continued as my daughter was born, and my second son became the one holding the tag*a*long. Even my daughter used it, attached to an empty stroller when she felt like walking instead of riding. And when we outgrew strollers, I passed the neon yellow tag*a*long, still in great shape so many years later, along to my sister for her kids to use – and they loved it too!
As a mom living with rheumatoid arthritis, I found this product to be particularly useful because it kept my little ones safe in parking lots and crowded locations without having to expend a lot of energy myself. It made my toddlers not just willing but actually excited to walk along next to me – and kids who are excited to walk don’t whine to be carried! The tag*a*long allowed me to ditch the bulky double stroller in favor of a lightweight single stroller when I was dealing with extra pain or fatigue.
It wasn’t until we had nearly outgrown the tag*a*long that I realized it could have had uses beyond attaching it to a stroller! It would work great connected to a shopping cart at the store, luggage at the airport, or even to a wheelchair. What I originally viewed as a silly piece of plastic is really a great mom hack – especially for moms who may be dealing with limited energy or mobility.
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