Mamas Facing Forward Stay Home Summer Camp was a project I developed during the isolated summer of 2020. For each theme I provide a menu of options to choose from, including: virtual learning resources, easy craft & snack ideas, simple activities, books, and movies/TV.
Trust me, whether you do it for a full week or just for a day, there’s something magical about doing a bunch of activities that all share the same theme. In fact, even though my kids will be traveling and attending regular summer camp this year, they’ve also requested some Stay Home Camp – so stay tuned for a couple of new themes!! I’ve also added “field trip ideas” to themes from past years as well.
I hope these ideas will provide your family with a little fun – while at the same time making summer a bit easier for you!!
Love, Mariah
Below you’ll find a menu of ideas for learning, crafts, activities, books, and things to watch that all focus on weather. I’ve tried to keep ideas pretty simple and make use of items you may already have – while also making it fun for the kids! I’ve also included a free printable you can hang up at home while you work on this theme.
NEW! Field Trip Ideas:
- To a local weather station
- COLORADO: Free display at NCAR
- Outside every day to talk about any changes in the weather
- To the local science center
- To the library to get more books about weather
Things To Learn:
- How to draw (Source: Art for Kids Hub)
- Explore together
- Brain POP Arts & Music (If your school does not provide you with a BrainPOP account already, you can request free access during school closures)
- National Geographic Kids
Things To Make:
- Cotton Ball Clouds
- Recommended materials: paper, cotton balls, school glue, scissors, markers, gray paint
- Instructions: I Heart Crafty Things
- Note: There’s a link in the book section to the book mentioned in this post!

- Handprint Sun
- Recommended materials: paper plate, construction paper, yellow paint, glue, scissors
- Instructions: No Time For Flash Cards
- Paper Rainbow
- Recommended materials: paper in rainbow colors, white paper, googly eyes, scissors, glue, black marker
- Instructions: Easy Peasy and Fun
- Pinwheel
- Recommended materials: paper, wood skewers, a glue gun, small beads, sewing pins, a thumb tack, needle nose pliers, scissors
- Instructions: One Little Project

- Thunderstorm Art Project
- Recommended materials: black and white tempera paint, paint brushes, white art paper, blue and yellow construction paper, scissors, glue
- Instructions: Buggy and Buddy

- Windsock
- Recommended materials: tissue paper, cardboard, glue or tape, crayons, string, a stick
- Instructions: Snotty Noses
Things To Do:
- Fog in a Bottle
- Recommended materials: hot water, plastic bag, ice cubes
- Instructions: What Do We Do All Day?
- Lightning in
your Mouth
- Recommended materials: wintergreen LifeSavers
- Instructions: Exploratorium
- Magic Snow
- Recommended materials: baking soda
- Instructions: Play Learn Grow
- Make Lightning
- Recommended materials: metal spoon, balloon
- Instructions: Wonder How To
- Painting Clouds
- Recommended materials: mirror, paint brush, shaving cream
- Instructions: Happy Hooligans
- Roll a Rainbow
Play Dough Game
- Recommended materials: free printable game board, rainbow colors of play dough, dice
- Free printable: Crafts on Sea
- Shaving Cream
Rain Clouds
- Recommended materials: clear glass or bowl, liquid food coloring, shaving cream
- Instructions: One Little Project
- Tornado in a Jar
- Recommended materials: dish soap, vinegar, mason jar
- Instructions: Playdough to Plato
- Water Cycle in a
- Recommended materials: Ziploc bag, sharpie, food coloring
- Instructions: Playdough to Plato
Time For A Break!
- Books to read
- Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain by Verna Aardema
- Clouds by Anne Rockwell
- Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett
- Come on, Rain! by Karen Hessee
- Tap Tap Boom Boom by Elizabeth Bluemle
- The Cloud Book by Tomie de Paola
- The Rain Came Down by David Shannon
- The Weather Girls by Aki
- The Wind Blew by Pat Hutchins
- Thunder Cake by Patricia Polacco
- Weather Words and What They Mean by Gail Gibbons
- Wind by Marion Dane Bauer
- Documentaries to
- National Geographic Science & Weather
- Season 1: Episode 5; 8;10; 11
- Nature’s Power Revealed
- Season 1: Episode 3
- National Geographic Science & Weather
- Movies to watch:
- TV shows to watch:
- The Cat In The Hat Knows A Lot About That
- Season 1: Episodes 5b; 11b; 29b; 40a & b
- Season 3: Episodes 7a; 17b
- The Magic School Bus
- Season 1: Episode 13
- Season 2: Episode 6
- Season 3: Episode 12
- Season 4: Episode 4
- The Magic School Bus Rides Again
- Season 1: Episode 4, 8
- Season 2: Episode 8
- Bill Nye The Science Guy
- Season 1: Episode 8, 15
- Season 2: Episode 2, 19
- Season 3: Episode 2, 7, 10
- Season 5: Episode 14, 16
- Reading Rainbow
- Season 1: Episode 4
- Sid the Science Kid
- Season 1: Episode 31, 39, 40
- The Cat In The Hat Knows A Lot About That